
Members: At least one member from Session to act as a liaison; Organist/Choir Director; Chair of the committee; Vice-chair (to be appointed by the Chair); and representatives of the Congregation.

Purpose: To plan/oversee, with the guidance of the pastor, the worship services; to provide the musical portion of our worship; to arrange and conduct fellowship gatherings; provide Coffee Hour, flowers, bulletins, ushers, greeters, and Communion with Elders.

1. Work with Pastor and Organist/Choir Director on coordination of worship services.
2. Be receptive to opinions, feelings, and suggestions of the congregation and be aware of their needs in worship.
3. Arrange and inform what is expected of Ushers, Greeters, Communion Elders, and Coffee Hour persons.
4. Help with the arrangement of Communion for shut-ins, if requested.
5. Purchase candles for the sanctuary.
6. Display and take care of banners.
7. Hire and supervise the Organist/Choir Director. Negotiate compensation package.

Meetings: Generally, the Sunday before Session meets.

The committee is accountable to Session.



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